Scrippsiella trochoidea (F.Stein) A.R.Loeblich III, 1976

  • Class: Dinophyceae
  • Order: Peridiniales
  • Family: Peridiniaceae
  • Genus: Scrippsiella
  • Species: Scrippsiella trochoidea

The cells are elongated or rounded pear-shaped, not flattened dorsoventrally. The transverse groove is turned to the left. The longitudinal reaches almost to the rear end. Nerethic species, common in the seas and semi-saline continental reservoirs.

Length : 16-37 µm
Width : 20-30 µm
Depth :
Shape : половин сфера и конус
Volume :
Surface :
Environment : морски вид
Reproduction :

Photosynthetic pigments :
Reserve substances :
Trophic type :
Biotope : планктон
Biogeographic group :
Spread : Световно
Toxicity : Вреден вид
